there is more Under The Hat! This site contains also a (vintage) record
cover archive, containing the Craziest, most Sexy and Strange
LP, Single and EP covers from the Vaults of "Charlie's
Rhythm Revue" (DJ name of Marco Buschman) and his friends
Dopey Rodrigo, DJ Vendermeulen and Piet
Popcorn. ...THANKS GUYS!
is also host to the site of the beat club and
DJ Duo Batman & Robin, go to Fabulous LINKS
to find what that's all about!
The Experimental Laboratory is all about showing you
funny, great and unique images. Just Click Away and see what happens!
when you've finished playing with the UTH Artificial Computer, make
sure you go on browsing The Net via the UTH Links Department! You'll
find a lot of Strangeness, 'Retro' Links and Vintage Music related stuff.
Click the Fabulous LINKS button on the right side!
come back once in a while and hit the NEW button!